The Felony Lawyer Protecting Your Rights Under The Law

When you ask most people what the purpose of a felony lawyer is, they'll likely tell you that it is to get a criminal off the hook. This actually has little to do with their responsibilities. While it is certainly incumbent upon a defense attorney to do what he must for his client, this primarily falls under the realm of rights protection. This is extremely important in the justice system. One might say, in fact, that this is what makes the system work so well. Without an essential system of checks and balances, the police and prosecution would be able to put anyone in jail they wished. It is the defender who prevents this from happening. Here are some of your rights upon being arrested that you should ensure are upheld.

Your Right To an Attorney

It is provided for in the Constitution and it is read to every suspect arrested for a crime. You have the right to a felony lawyer should you be arrested for such a crime. If you have the money, you can afford to hire a private lawyer. If you do not, the court will appoint you someone from the public defender's office, if not a private lawyer working pro bono. This right is inalienable, yet it isn't entirely uncommon for the police to downplay its importance, particularly before arrest. Whether you're guilty or innocent, you are never doing yourself any favors by talking to the police without having a lawyer present.

Your Right Regarding Charges

You cannot be held in custody without being told what you are being charged with. If you are being arrested, there has to be a reason, and you are within your right to demand that reason be given. At the time of your arraignment hearing in court, those charges may change a bit from how they were explained by the police, of course. It is now in the hands of the judge and the prosecution. This is where you really need a felony lawyer by your side. Don't become another inmate who slips through the cracks.

Right to Have Bond Set

Except in certain circumstances, you have the right to have bond set in a reasonable amount of time. If the bond was set prior to the arrest warrant being issued, you'll have it known immediately. Otherwise, you will have to wait to appear before the judge. This is another good time to have a felony lawyer by your side, in case you need to plead for the bond to be reduced. This is another one of those things that can get delayed or overlooked if you don't have someone on your side to demand it. Don't let your rights be trampled.
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