Loan Modification Options - Things You Should Know

A Home Loan Modification is an offer to make a permanent change in the borrowers mortgage terms which is normally involves a rate modification. To find out if you qualify or how to get help on a mortgage loan modification there are plenty of attorneys and loan modification companies to help consumers.

To determine if you are eligible the legal representative will request certain documentation and ask you income and expense questions. One will need to be in a hardship situation such as job loss, dramatic reduction in income, divorce, death, etc. many individuals opt to try and do the loan modification themselves without the assistance of an attorney who knows the laws, knows how to stop a foreclosure, knows what errors to look for in the closing documents, and what is needed to qualify.

There are other companies out there who claim they can do a loan modification and then actually cant help the homeowner and find themselves even more underwater since they had to pay that particular company a processing fee. A loan modification, also called debt restructuring, with an attorney can significantly make headway for clients at a faster rate and faster responses. I have personally witnessed people trying to save a buck here and there and do it themselves. Yet, they discover six months later they are still no closer to a modification agreement and are still chasing down different office staff in the lenders office.

Some homeowners that are struggling to make their mortgage payments or close to foreclosure may choose to employ a real estate attorney or a loan modification company rather than doing it ion their own due to the fact that an attorney has a significantly more positive impact and results, when ordinary individuals have failed. The lender has to respond to attorney in a timely fashion otherwise there are penalties, possible loan rescission, and expensive legal fees. They dont want this in addition to a foreclosed property. Once an individual fails to negotiate with the loan servicing company, it is much harder to use an attorney later on to stop a foreclosure due to time constraints and the lender having your current information. Getting to the right person or persons within the mortgage lender's loss mitigation department can be difficult to impossible at times. Some have stories that their documents simply disappeared like the loss mitigation has a magical genie on staff. Mail and faxes may suddenly become misplaced, agreements moved to different departments, etc. Their objective is to collect for their investors. You are not the client to them. The investors are.
Remember the lender is mainly trying to collect delinquent payments, not give you a break. The loan loss mitigation area is not in the business of offering each person that requests 3.00% fixed rate for 5 or 10 years or reduce the principal loan balance down by $100,000. Although, the odds increase when using qualified loan modification companies with an attorney. If they are done at all, it is based on the individual file and must be properly negotiated to achieve positive results. When one uses the loan modification services from a company that has an attorney on staff, they are usually going to have a better outcome.
A loan modification is a long term solution, modified forbearance agreements are designed by the lenders to just get paid. Of coarse they will negotiate with you to get caught up, requiring a portion of the arrearages to be paid up front to reinstate the loan or to stop foreclosure.
Be Careful of Loan Modification Company without an Attorney
There are many loan modification companies also known as loss mitigation companies marketing their success stories, refunds, and principal reductions. If they guarantee a principal reduction, then you need to do business elsewhere because that simply cannot be guaranteed period. It may be a strategy within the loan modification company's marketing but there is no guarantee! If they say refunds, make sure they disclose the refund amount if their processing department deems it not to be a favorable file for a loan modification.
I will agree that not every company out there is untruthful however most of the salesman are working just to make a sales commission. You should work a loan modification company that has attorneys, paralegals and experienced bank negotiators to personally handle files that come in.
What's is a typical loan modification?
A standard loan modification puts the borrower into a comfortable and long term ability to make their new payment. Modifying the mortgage terms of the current loan can involve a very low rate that is fixed for a period of 3 to 7 years then systematically rise to the current market fixed rates. In certain situations, the lender may also choose to decrease the principal loan balance or wipe out part or all of the second lien if it is introduce properly with documentation. In summary, a loan modification should be favorable solution to both the homeowner and the investor.
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