Start as Real Estate Entrepreneur

You could be new to real estate, or might have reached the high level; the following would help to further Jump-Start your real estate investing career.

Move around with compatible People
Creative real estate is nontraditional that merely means most people don't like it. Hence many people speaking to you may say it won't work. Most attorneys and other professionals would criticize it, as it sounds odd. You need to keep in mind that these people are either unsuccessful or do not know to do business in this field.

The first thing you need to do is to become a member of local real estate association. You could find a absolute list there. These local associations would aid in keeping your thoughts in the right place and to prove that it really does work. In case you do not come across a group, form a "mastermind" group, which meets up once a week.

Have a Team
Do not wait for people to come and join your team. You should locate the following players for your team:
Attorney - Preferably one, who does real estate investing deals for himself as well as for others.
Insurance Agent - Find one, who knows landlords, land contracts, etc.
CPA - Find a CPA, who is aggressive and has his own real estate.
Contractor - One who would give you free estimation's and knows how to "cut corners" in the right places.
Mortgage Broker - One who is confidence, very creative and experienced with real estate investors.
Partner - Only in case you require it for money or experience.
Mentor - Someone you could always call to smooth out the rough spots.

Keep Educated
"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance" is a popular saying. You may lose more money with just a mistake than you could learn how to avoid one. Even if you have been in a business for many years, you need to keep you self educated on current trends and laws. It is better to attend real estate seminars which offers good information, gives way to more income and prevents a lawsuit.

Treat This as a Business
People are attracted to real estate investing because of the fast buck that it promises to the investors. In fact real estate profit takes months even after years of cultivating customers. You need to treat it like other business. Give it time, effort, attention and perfect professionalism, and you would find it flourish to its best.
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