Why your small company should use a well written employment

Why your small company should use a well written employment contract

As an owner of a small business it is important to protect yourself and your business. When hiring employees many business owners start out with just a handshake and a IRS W4 form. Although a handshake is always a good part of any relationship, drafting up an employment agreement can save you from unwanted problems should the relationship start to break down in the future. Whether you decide to draft your own employment agreement, download one from a legal forms website such as EasyAgreements.com, or hire an attorney, you need to be certain it is written well and covers all the important points. One of the biggest problems a poorly written employment agreement creates is that there may be loopholes in the document that may not be in the best interest of your business. The employment agreement needs to be clear and cover all the major point of your business. You may not if it is written well or not until you have the unfortunate task of firing someone. In the current job market, employees are taking the time to read their employment agreements in case they have to go. In this situation, small companies who have saved cost by drawing up the employment agreements without the help an attorney or an HR expert must review their employment policies and employment contracts. You may have a problem that you are not aware of. Some common mistakes include: 1.Employers may write down the terms suitable for their business but they do not add any clauses covering reasons for termination.

2.Entrepreneurs who have had employees in the past simply pick up an old employment agreement and change the names in dates. The problem here is that rules change all the time and unless you have a legal professional on hand to review your documents, you may have a problem.

3.Small Business owners create an employment agreement that brings a focus to hiring an employee with details such as a job description, salary, retirement benefits, vacation and other items to make the employee feel that the company is a good fit. The employer must cover many other details like termination, death, sick days, being late and others. If you are an employer and you are looking for a simple -Do-It-Yourself- business solution to sign an employment contract with your staff without involving a the cost or need of a lawyer, it is not hard to do. There are many sites on the web offering a downloadable template for an employee agreement. Many of these agreements are created by a practicing attorney. These forms are usually legally accurate and cover many aspects which a new employer may overlook. Here are a few good tips to keep in mind when starting this process: 1.Make sure that whatever you put into the agreement needs to be clear and to the point. If you haven't yet created an employee handbook, you can get one from somekeyword . This is most likely the most important thing that a business can have. You need a rule book to refer to. The online Employee handbook at EasyAgreements.com covers all the important details you need to have in place in order to build your business.

2.What your contract says must match with what you can actually do. Do not inflate things.. Remember that in many cases, if an agreement is breached, you will only have the written document to use to prove your case. 3.Make sure your employees understand the contract very well. It is seen that both employees and employers overlook some paragraphs and do not make necessary changes according to the company needs or company policies. Once changes have been finalized, make sure that your employee can understand them and find out if they have any questions

4.Make changes when needed. Do not assume that changes verbally agreed or agreed in other forms are OK. It may create problems for you when verbally agreed to terms are not adhered to. In the eyes of the law, it is much easier to prove your case when everything is in writing.

5.Make it sure that you have an original copy signed by your employee in ink. Not just a carbon copy of the signature page. The most important detail is to have an accurate legal document which covers all the necessary terms and conditions. Most of the claims that arise out of an employment situation brought by an employees is for money the employy feels that they are owed. Employees canand often have taken advantage of an ambiguous terms because of a simple statement that any 1st year law student would understand and catch. Get a complete employment agreement document and make it sure that you have edited it to cover all your company rules and regulations. Finally, remember one important thing-. You are good at what you do. It's not always wise to try to wear every hat in the business. Especially when it comes to handling your legal work. That's why EasyAgreements.com and sites like it are a great way to go.
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