Being Positive Identity Theft Information

It has been often said that a good offense is a good defense. This axiom stands true when it comes to identity theft. Identity theft is that criminal act in which unscrupulous individuals gather sufficient personal information about an individual. This information is then utilized by the individual to pose as the victim in order to access the person's financial information and endeavor to open up new accounts to get merchandise for nothing.

Therefore, it is important for individuals to understand this criminal act and how pervasive it is. Identify theft information can share with concerned individuals the need to protect their personal information and the proper disposing of mail. .

Protecting Personal Information

One of the primary precautions that identity theft information prevention will share with individuals is to protect personal information. That personal information can include credit card numbers, PIN numbers, bank and credit card information, Social Security numbers, etc.

Therefore, when statements are received or other correspondence from financial institutions they should be disposed of properly. Specifically, the documents should be shredded so as to make them unreadable.

Also, identity theft information on how to protect personal data recommends that certain documents not be carried in a person's wallet or purse. Those documents include copies of birth certificates and social security numbers. With these documents it is best to keep them in a safe place. Also preventative identity theft information suggests that the numbers of credits cards be copied and placed in a secure place as well.

Disposing of Mail

Another identity theft solution to deter identity thieves is to properly dispose of credit card offers received in the mail. Often, these credit card companies send to households unsolicited credit card offers. Generally, these offers exclaim pre-approved credit cards and all the applicant needs to do is simply return the form.

For many households, they simply throw away these offers by placing them in the trash. To prevent the potential of this identity theft information from falling into the hands of identity thieves, it is important to dispose of these credit card offers properly. Therefore, the best way to dispose of these applications is to purchase a shredder and utilize this device for all sensitive correspondence including credit card offers.

Another identity theft information suggestion to minimize unsolicited credit card offers is to stop receiving these offers. This can be accomplished in one of two ways. One is by calling 1-888-5-OPT-OUT or visiting

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