Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Frequently Effects Accident Victims

When people hear the term "post-traumatic stress disorder", commonly referred to as PTSD, they usually think of military personnel, usually soldiers who have seen active duty or seen battle are what the general public think when they think of when they hear PTSD. What is not commonly know is that accidents, whether they are auto, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or even pedestrian accidents are a major cause of PTSD.

In a book published by the American Psychological Association called "After the Crash: Assessment and Treatment of Motor Vehicle Accident Survivors" it reports that within the general population motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It also reports that over three million people are victims of car wrecks that resulted in bodily injury and/or psychological distress.

PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event. During these events something horrible and frightening is happening and the person has a sense of helplessness. They may also feel like their life or the lives of others are in danger. Many of the common assumptions is that PTSD is isolated to war veterans but the reality is that any life-threatening events can cause this disorder. Some of the common events are:

- Combat or military exposure
- Child sexual or physical abuse
- Terrorist attacks
- Sexual or physical assault
- Serious accidents, such as a car wreck
- Natural disasters, such as a fire, tornado, hurricane, flood, or earthquake
- Being diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness
- Finding the body of someone who has committed suicide

There are many symptoms of PTSD. Some are:

- Distressing thoughts or images
- Be very startled when someone surprises you
- Nightmares about the event
- Feeling or acting as if the traumatic event were recurring
- Fear for your safety and always feel on guard
- Intense psychological distress when exposed to something that triggers memories of the traumatic event
- Physical symptoms such as sweating, muscle tension and rapid heartbeat when exposed to things that trigger memories of the traumatic event
- Suddenly become angry or irritable
- Have a hard time sleeping
- Have trouble concentrating

After a car accident the physical injuries are immediately treated, a broken arm is set and lacerations are stitched up. People need to understand that there may be more psychological injuries after an accident and be prepared to treat them. Also be aware that the symptoms can last for a long period of time. If you are an accident victim and feel like you may be suffering from PTSD don't feel like you are alone or be embarrassed by your feelings. Let your doctor know. It is also something your attorney will need to know, it is important information as it is part of your suffering as a victim of a traumatic accident.
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