Advantages Of Hiring Minimum Wage Claim Attorneys

Are you underpaid in your job and do not know what to do?

When this happens, you are certainly in a bad situation. Imagine you have been working very hard to ensure you receive your hard-earned salary or hourly wages but it turned out that it is beyond the minimum wage. Hence, the first thing that you may think of doing is to fight for your rights and demand for suitable compensation from your employer.

With this, you may put into consideration hiring a minimum wage claim attorney an advocate to defend your cause.

Filing a minimum wage claim is not as easy as it seem. You need to have someone expert on the laws associated with Minimum Wage Law or other employment laws in order to have better chances of resolving the issue.

An employment attorney will help you file a wage claim against your employer. But in case you have not yet hired a legal advocate to assist you in filing your claim, you can do the following steps to improve your chances of getting the best recovery and legal remedies possible:

Keep a detailed and complete record to support your wage claim. If you think that your pay is incorrect, acquire records that will indicate the number of hours you have spent in working. Any correspondence from your employer or bank regarding your pay will also do.

Also, have a list of all your expenses brought about by the premise that you have not been given due compensation.

Secure important facts. Ask your employer the reasons why you are underpaid. This is to make sure that there has been no mistake in the computation of your wages. If you are a member of a union, you can seek your colleagues help.

Make a formal request with your employer. Exhaust remedies in accordance with your company policy. Be sure to keep a copy of said request.

Plan your course of action.

Consult an attorney.

Under the law, an employer is required to pay his/her employees with the minimum hourly, daily or monthly wage specified under it. When your employer fail to observe what the law provides, then you are given the right to file a minimum wage claim against him/her.

If your employer does not comply with the requirement, you are entitled to recover, in addition to penalty and attorneys fees, the following:

Unpaid salary, together with commissions and bonuses

Wages paid by check issued with insufficient funds

Last paycheck not received

Unused vacation hours that were unpaid upon severance of the employment relationship, e.g., terminated, discharge, or layoff

Unauthorized or illegal deductions from paychecks

Unpaid or unreturned business expenses

Failure to give a meal and/or rest period provided under the applicable Industrial Welfare Commission Order

Employees do have legal employment rights for as long as they are willing to insist on them and fight for them. Remember, your effort alone for fighting illegal employment practices may be inutile in comparison to the influence and machinery of your employer.

In times like this, you need to hire the best minimum wage claim attorney to uphold and protect your rights at all times and without any delays.
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