Recession Drives Divorce Rate Up In America

The recession is not only hitting small business owners; it is also leaving its mark on the American family. Recent Google reports show that searches for the phrase -Divorce Lawyers- is increasing rapidly. According to University of Chicago Business School economist Gary Becker, recession has always been a factor in raising divorce rates.

It would seem that the added stress of money worries that was not an issue over the last 5 years when jobs were secure and plentiful, is contributing to the higher divorce rate.

As the reality of family financial situations sink in, many couples find they are bickering before they know it. Unfortunately, the knock-on effect of this is severe. It can lead to depression, listlessness and a loss of self- worth on both sides of the equation.

How does one get through this difficult time? Divorce is ranked as the second highest stress related situation above loss of job or earnings. The song goes: --.breaking up is hard to do-. It always is. Add in the stress of finances, mortgages and school fees and it can seem like an insurmountable obstacle.

Getting divorced does not have to be a nightmare - it is estimated that upwards of 95 percent of divorces in the United States are uncontested. When the two parties are able to come to an agreement (either with or without lawyers/mediators/collaborative counsel) about the property, children and support issues, and they present the court with a fair and equitable agreement, approval of the divorce is almost guaranteed.

With the assistance of a family law attorney who is trained in the collaborative divorce process and mediation, and often with the assistance of a neutral financial specialist and/or divorce coach, the parties are empowered to make their own decisions based on their own needs and interests, but with complete information and full professional support.

The rising divorce rate is an unfortunate side effect of the recession. If your marriage is strained due to financial issues, get help now. If the marriage has to be dissolved, look for a divorce lawyer who can help you settle the issues amicably.

Sitting in limbo and doubt is the worst possible status quo. Most people decide to get divorced so that they can move on with their lives. This is especially true today in the current economic climate.

Free Initial Consultation with John Spurgeon

Families looking for family law representation and related financial understanding in a supportive environment would be wise to engage an experienced family law attorney and CPA. John H. Spurgeon is a practicing California family law attorney and CPA. He is a member of the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association. For more information, please call John at 626-440-9518 for a complimentary initial consultation.

About John Spurgeon & Associates
John Spurgeon & Associates, serving the greater Los Angeles area, family law firm has an extensive experience in the areas of divorce and property division under California law. To speak with Mr. Spurgeon about this or other family law issues, please contact us today at 626-440-9518 for a complimentary confidential consultation.
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